Who Is 8008600644? Understanding Why You’re Getting Calls from This Number



Have you ever received a call from 8008600644 and wondered who’s on the other end? You’re not alone. This number is widely associated with debt collection agencies, particularly Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC. Understanding why you’re being contacted and how to handle such calls can save you a lot of stress and potential financial trouble.

Receiving calls from unknown numbers can be unsettling, especially when they seem persistent. However, knowing that 8008600644 is linked to debt collection gives you a starting point to figure out what’s going on. It’s important to approach these situations with knowledge and caution to protect your personal information and financial well-being. In this article, we will delve into who exactly is behind 8008600644, why they might be calling you, and what steps you can take to deal with these calls effectively.

Why is 8008600644 Calling Me?

Receiving calls from 8008600644 can be confusing, especially if you’re unaware of any outstanding debts. Generally, this number is used by Portfolio Recovery Associates to contact individuals about unpaid debts that they have purchased. If you see this number on your caller ID, it’s usually an attempt to recover a debt that you may owe or that they believe you owe.

The calls may also occur if your information was linked to a previous account or if there’s been a mix-up in the debt collection process. It’s important to verify the legitimacy of the debt being claimed. Collectors are legally required to provide details about the debt, such as the amount, the original creditor, and when the debt was acquired. If you believe the debt isn’t yours, you have the right to dispute it. Ignoring these calls won’t make them go away, but engaging carefully and understanding your rights can help you manage the situation without falling victim to scams or unnecessary stress.

Can 8008600644 Sue Me for My Debt?

Yes, companies like Portfolio Recovery Associates, represented by numbers like 8008600644, can sue individuals for unpaid debts, but it’s generally their last resort. Legal action is typically pursued for substantial debts and only after other collection attempts, like calls and letters, have failed. For them to sue, they must prove that the debt is yours, that the amount is correct, and that they have the legal right to collect it.

However, it’s important to note that not all debts lead to lawsuits. Many debt collectors prefer to settle out of court due to the costs and time involved in legal proceedings. If you receive a court summons related to a debt, it’s crucial to respond promptly. Ignoring the summons can result in a default judgment against you, which might lead to wage garnishments or other financial penalties. Remember, under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), you have rights that protect you from abusive collection practices, and it’s advisable to seek legal advice if you are ever threatened with a lawsuit.

What Should I Do If I Get a Call from 8008600644?

If you receive a call from 8008600644, here’s what you should do:

  1. Do Not Ignore the Call: While it might be tempting to ignore these calls, it’s important to address the situation. Ignoring it won’t make the debt disappear and could lead to more persistent collection efforts.
  2. Verify the Caller: Ask the caller to provide their name, the company they represent, and details about the debt. Request a written notice of the debt, which they are legally required to send within five days of contacting you.
  3. Protect Your Information: Do not share any personal or financial information until you have verified the legitimacy of the debt. Scammers often pose as debt collectors to steal your identity.
  4. Request Debt Validation: If you’re unsure about the debt, request validation in writing. This should include the original creditor’s details and proof that the debt is yours. This step is crucial to ensure that you are not paying a debt that doesn’t belong to you.
  5. Know Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with the FDCPA, which outlines your rights when dealing with debt collectors. You are protected from harassment, abusive practices, and must receive validation of the debt.
  6. Consider Consulting an Attorney: If the situation seems complex or if legal action is being threatened, consult a consumer rights attorney. They can provide advice on how to handle debt collectors and protect your rights.

How to Stop Calls from 8008600644

Dealing with constant calls from 8008600644 can be frustrating, but there are ways to manage or stop them altogether:

  1. Block the Number: Use your phone’s settings or third-party apps to block the number, preventing future calls. This is a simple and effective first step.
  2. Send a Cease and Desist Letter: You have the right to request that a debt collector stop contacting you. Sending a written request for them to cease communication usually requires them to comply, except in certain situations, such as when notifying you of legal actions.
  3. Report Unfair Practices: If the calls are harassing or abusive, report the collector to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or your state’s Attorney General’s office.
  4. Negotiate a Settlement: If you owe the debt and want to settle, try negotiating directly with the collector. Many companies will accept less than the full amount owed in a lump-sum settlement.
  5. Seek Professional Help: Credit counselors or legal professionals can provide guidance on dealing with debt collectors and help you create a plan to manage your debts effectively.

What Are Your Rights When Dealing with Debt Collectors Like 8008600644?

When dealing with debt collectors, it’s essential to know your rights under the FDCPA:

  • Right to Be Treated Fairly: Collectors cannot harass, threaten, or use abusive language when contacting you. They must respect your privacy and cannot disclose your debt to third parties.
  • Right to Debt Validation: You have the right to request proof of the debt. Collectors must provide details about the original creditor and the amount owed.
  • Right to Dispute: If you believe the debt is incorrect or not yours, you have the right to dispute it within 30 days of the initial contact. The collector must then cease collection efforts until they provide verification.
  • Right to Privacy: Collectors cannot contact you at inconvenient times, such as before 8 AM or after 9 PM, or at your workplace if you’ve informed them not to.
  • Right to Cease Communication: You can request that collectors stop contacting you altogether. However, they can still inform you of legal actions.

Understanding these rights empowers you to handle debt collection calls confidently and ensures that you’re not subjected to unfair or illegal practices.


Dealing with calls from 8008600644 can be overwhelming, but knowledge is your best defense. By understanding who’s calling, why they’re calling, and what your rights are, you can take control of the situation. Whether it’s verifying the debt, negotiating a settlement, or seeking legal advice, taking proactive steps can help you manage these calls without added stress.

If you continue to receive calls from this number, remember that you are not powerless. There are legal protections and resources available to help you handle debt collectors effectively and protect your financial health.

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